Einladung zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Wednesday, 5th September 2018 at 7 pm
RüKONTOR (5. Etage), Rüttenscheider Str. 144, 45131 Essen
“Denglish” is a word which combines „Deutsch“ and „English“; it is, to quote George Orwell in his novel 1984, a kind of „newspeak“, dominating increasingly the way we communicate in Germany. This can be very irritating, especially for elderly people, who have grown up at a time, when English was not a compulsary subject in our schools. So – in order to understand English words in their environment – they need to learn this „newspeak“ and English in general – like the gentleman attending an English course for senior citizens who proudly remarked after only a few lessons: „I can now walk down Kettwiger Straße, and I can understand all the English words in German shops – from „closed“ for „geschlossen“ to „sale“ for „Schlußverkauf“…
Our lecturer Robert Tonks will point out that the new words are not only irritating for Germans, but also for English citizens living in Germany, presenting numerous examples taken from everyday life. So it promises to become a highly entertaining evening – and this is what he writes about himself and his lecture:
In his own words, Robert Tonks is currently the most senior Welshman living between the Rhine and Ruhr deltas in Germany. He was born in Rogiet in 1955, in a part of Monmouthshire which at the time was no-man’s land but after a boundary change was later allocated to Wales. Moving to Germany, Tonks became a student, lecturer and political scientist, as well as translator/interpreter, ghostwriter and municipal advisor on European affairs. He supports Liverpool FC and MSV Duisburg. When it comes to rugby, he is passionate about Wales.
Among his published works are the following: ‘It is not all English what shines – English makes German Werbung funny!‘ (2011); ‘Denglisch in Pool Position – English makes German Werbung funny! 2’ (2012); ‘THE DENGLISCH DOOSH READER 4 THE BAD & WORSE – English makes German Werbung funny! 3’ (2013). In 2014 Tonks invented ” The World’s frst ever Denglisch-Diplom” and in 2018 “The World’s frst ever Denglisch-Master”.
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Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der
Sparkasse Essen
Unser Vortragsraum befindet sich in der 5. Etage des RüKONTOR (Aufzug vorhanden), Rüttenscheider Str. 144/Eingang Gregorstraße, gegenüber dem Girardet Haus. Parkmöglichkeiten auf den anliegenden Strassen, auf den Parkplätzen des Girardethauses und am Ende der Gregorstraße vorhanden. U-Bahn Verbindung von Essen- Hbf: Linien U11, U101 und U107, Station Martinstraße (3 Minuten Fußweg). Busse von der Haltestelle Girardet Haus (Linie 142) und von der Haltestelle Martinstraße (Linien 142, 160 und 161).