Einladung zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Thursday, 24th November 2016 at 7 pm
Clubhaus ETUF, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 204A, 45133 Essen
The new Prime Minister said „Brexit means Brexit“ and we have started the process of implementing the decision. What do our voters expect to happen next. How to we, the politicians go about healing the divisions highlighted by the referendum [North v South, urban v rural, England v Scotland]. And how will it change the European Union.
Gisela has represented Birmingham Edgbaston since 1997. The constituency covers the City Council wards of Bartley Green, Edgbaston, Harborne and Quinton. Educated in what was then West Germany, Gisela served an apprenticeship in Bookselling. After Business Studies in Manchester Gisela got a law degree from London University. She ran the London Book Fair in the 1980s; then she became a lecturer and researched into pension law at Birmingham University.
Political Career
Contested the European elections in 1994
Member of Social Security select committee 1997-98
PPS to Paul Boateng [Minister of State for the Home Office] 1998
Parliamentary under-secretary of state, Department of health 1999-2001
Member of Foreign Affairs Committee July 2001 – March 2010
Privacy and Injunctions Committee 2010 – 2012
Presidium Member and UK Parliamentary Representative on Convention for Future
of Europe: Author of Fabian Pamphlet The Making of Europe’s Constitution
Chair of the All Parliamentary Group on International and Transatlantic Security
Member of the Defence Select Committee June 2010 – March 2015
Administration Committee – since July 2015
Speaker’s Advisory Committee on Works of Art – since July 2015
Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament – since September 2015
Special Interests
Pensions (particularly provision for women)
International Relations
Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Editor of ’The House Magazine’ parliament’s weekly political magazine
Personal Interests
Life member of Organic Gardens, Ryton
Trustee of Henry Jackson Society
Fabian Member
Chair of vote leave
Chair of Change Britain https://www.changebritain.org/about/
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der
VIJO Clubgastronomie im ETUF
Vincenzo Bonelli
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 204a
D-45133 Essen
Sie erreichen das Clubhaus des ETUF mit der S-Bahnlinie S6 Richtung Köln-Düsseldorf, Haltestelle Essen-Hügel; mit dem Auto, indem Sie dem Hinweisschild ‚Baldeneysee’ bis zur Freiherr-vom-Stein Straße folgen. Bitte benutzen Sie den großen öffentlichen Parkplatz direkt an der Hauptstraße und nicht den Parkplatz vor dem Clubhaus.