Einladung zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Wednesday, 8th March 2017 at 7 pm
RüKONTOR (5. Etage), Rüttenscheider Str. 144, 45131 Essen
Is Jane Austen a belated representative of eighteenth-century classical values, or a romantic, or even a novelist ahead of her time? It is easy to think of her as essentially a conservative genius, doing especially well what had often been done before. This talk will look at the ways in which she was different from earlier novelists in England and perhaps the continent of Europe too, on her readiness to innovate and experiment. All six of her novels are stories which end with the woman marrying the man she loves (in one case two women marrying two men). That sounds limited, but within these limitations Jane Austen was remarkably varied. This talk explores some of that variety.
Richard Jenkyns was born in 1949, educated at Eton College and Balliol College, Oxford. He was Fellow of All Souls College Oxford from 1972-81 and also Lecturer in Classics at the University of Bristol from 1978-81, then at Oxford Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall from 1981-2010, Professor of the Classical Tradition from 1999-2010 and finally Public Orator from 2004-2016. Besides he is the author of numerous books, mostly on classical subjects, e.g. ”The Victorians and Ancient Greece” 1980, “Classical Epic: Homer and Virgil” 1992 but also of “A Fine Brush on Ivory: an appreciation of Jane Austen” 2004. He is now writing a book on Aeschylus’ Oresteia.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der
VIJO Clubgastronomie im ETUF
Vincenzo Bonelli
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 204a
D-45133 Essen
Unser Vortragsraum befindet sich in der 5. Etage des RüKONTOR (Aufzug vorhanden), Rüttenscheider Str. 144/Eingang Gregorstraße, gegenüber dem Girardet Haus. Parkmöglichkeiten auf den anliegenden Strassen, auf den Parkplätzen des Girardethauses und am Ende der Gregorstraße vorhanden. U-Bahn Verbindung von Essen- Hbf: Linien U11, U101 und U107, Station Martinstraße (3 Minuten Fußweg). Busse von der Haltestelle Girardet Haus (Linie 142) und von der Haltestelle Martinstraße (Linien 142, 160 und 161).