Einladung zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Wednesday, 22nd January 2020 at 7 pm
RüKONTOR (5. Etage), Rüttenscheider Str. 144, 45131 Essen
Our next lecture evening will give you an opportunity to learn more about ghosts, both in the literary tradition of the English-speaking world and in the stories which have been told through the centuries by the fireside on long winter evenings.
So we open our lecture season in 2020 with a rather gruesome, but certainly most fascinating subject which appears to be typically British.
The lecture will be delivered by the authoress Catherine Belsey, an internationally renowned Professor of English literature. She believes that „folk-lore“ is fundamentally linked to serious literature, and so she will deal with both sides of her subject. However stories about the supernatural are not restricted to our ancestors and to a distant past. Even in our age of reason and science they feature highly in literature, films or television programmes.
So, if you are superstitious or not, if you believe that ghosts exist or are just phantoms we invite you to a lecture evening which promises to be most entertaining and informative.
Catherine Belsey is Emeritus Professor of English at Swansea University and Visiting Professor at the University of Derby. She has consistently taken an interest in innovations in the study of culture and the practice of writing. Among her numerous publications is also the book Tales of the Troubled Dead: Ghost Stories in Cultural History in which she calls in question the distinction between literature and popular culture. Catherine Belsey is a Fellow of the English Association and a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.
As this is the last lecture before Britain leaves the European Union, I would like to assure our friends on the other side of the English channel that we will continue to keep and to strengthen our ties with the UK. We are sad to see you go, but we do not say „Good-bye“, but „Auf Wiedersehen“.
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Unser Vortragsraum befindet sich in der 5. Etage des RüKONTOR (Aufzug vorhanden), Rüttenscheider Str. 144/Eingang Gregorstraße, gegenüber dem Girardet Haus. Parkmöglichkeiten auf den anliegenden Strassen, auf den Parkplätzen des Girardethauses und am Ende der Gregorstraße vorhanden. U-Bahn Verbindung von Essen-Hbf: Linien U11, U101 und U107, Station Martinstraße (3 Minuten Fußweg). Busse von der Haltestelle Girardet Haus (Linie 142) und von der Haltestelle Martinstraße (Linien 142, 160 und 161).
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