Einladung zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Monday, 23rd September 2019 at 7 pm
Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Vortragsabend nicht wie sonst üblich, im Rükontor an der Rüttenscheider Straße 144, sondern im Saal des katholischen Stadthauses Essen, Bernestraße 5, 45127 Essen stattfinden wird. Das Haus befindet sich in der Stadtmitte und liegt direkt neben der Alten Synagoge.
After Hitler seized power in 1933 many German scholars of all disciplines left Germany. This massive exodus was in reality a gift not only to Great-Britain, but to the wider world, especially to the United States of America.
In both cases, the movement of émigré scholars was facilitated by special volunteer organizations, among them and most important the British Academic Assistance Council and the American Emergency Committee In Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.
My lecture will outline the policies of British aid organizations, as well as to discuss the role of eminent British scholars, who made it possible for German academics to resume their careers in Britain, or other countries. Without financial aid from government, this was a formidable task, particularly since this relief and relocation program lasted for over six years. Even more serious, by 1939 many displaced German scholars as well as scholars from the so-called Greater Germany were facing life and death situations.
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Irmgard Steinisch is Professor Emerita and Senior Scholar from York University in Toronto, Canada, where she taught German History for 25 years. Her publications concentrate on the socio-political aspects of industrialization in Germany and the United States, as well as on the interwar period. Her career got started with an Abitur from the Alfred-Krupp-Gymnasium in Essen, Germany. She continued on to the Ruhr Universitat Bochum and then to the Free University of Berlin where she completed her Staatsexamen. She received her doctorate in Modern History from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich after she had spent some years as Graduate Student and Research Assistant at the University of California Berkeley. On her return, she held the position of Assistentin first at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich, and then at the Free University in Berlin before emigrating to Toronto, Canada.
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