Dr. Jean Reader: “The Historic Gardens of Wales”

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Wednesday, 20th June 2016 at 7 pm
RüKONTOR (5. Etage), Rüttenscheider Str. 144, 45131 Essen
Dr. Jean Reader is Chairman of the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust (WHGT), a membership organization founded in September 1989, at a time when the historic garden heritage of Wales as largely unknown and much of it in a parlous (terrible) state. The Trust’s aim is to protect the historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes of Wales from neglect, indifference, insensitive planning and planting decisions and to conserve them for future generations. The Patron of WHGT is HRH the Prince of Wales.

Dr. Jean Reader has numerous educational qualifications. After her Bachelor of Arts Degree at the Open University she earned a Master of Arts Degree at Trinity College, Carmarthen. Besides she received a Teacher Qualification at the University of London and an Advanced Certificate of Education at Oxford University and last but not least she was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Bristol for her thesis “Stark Mad with Gardens: Women Gardeners in Wales 1750 – 1860”. She was employed as a teacher in a London Secondary School, she was in Malawi as a United Nations Volunteer; she holds a number of appointments in the public and voluntary sectors, for example: Director of the Welsh Consumer Council, Wales Organizer of International Youth Exchanges beside being a Freelance Training Consultant and Youth work trainer, both within and outside the UK, frequently initiating, planning and delivering training courses.

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